Our Projects


Community Initiatives

We organise community projects aimed at educating local residents on renewable energy options. By sharing success stories and insights, we empower individuals to adopt sustainable practices and reduce their carbon footprint.

Cars Parked in a Neighborhood
Man Teaching His Child How to Ride a Bicycle


Energy Hardship Assistance

Our aim is to offer practical assistance to people struggling with energy costs. Through advice on grants and local resources, we want to ensure that everyone has access to affordable energy solutions, easing the financial burden.


Renewable Energy Workshops

We’ll be hosting a series of members only workshops focusing on retrofitting skills and energy-saving measures. Becoming a member is completely free and you can join at the workshop.

Man Holding Wooden Stick While Drilling Hole
solar, panels, solar energy


Partnership Development

We’re collaborating with local businesses and organisations to drive clean energy initiatives. By forming partnerships, we’ll create meaningful change in our community.

Get Involved Today

Join us in our mission to develop locally made, clean, and affordable energy and become part of a sustainable community.

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